Growing plants

Microbial concentrate for soil BCL Grow

The soil contains a layer where micro-organisms play an active role in maintaining the natural balance. These natural micro-organisms act by breaking down dead organic matter and converting it into a simple form that can be taken up by the plant roots as nutrition. This natural process leads to the formation of humus, which adds structure to the soil and improves its porosity. The benefits of improved soil structure are better rooting, better gas exchange and better moisture retention.

What is BCL GROW?

BCL Grow contains a mixture of microorganisms that have been isolated from the natural soil environment. These micro-organisms have been specifically selected for their ability to effectively break down organic matter and settle in the root zone. The decomposing action increases the availability of nutrients to the plant roots and reduces the need for fertilization. Improved soil structure results in better drainage and deeper rooting. The result is healthier plants, faster growth and greater resistance to attack by plant pathogens.

Benefits of using BCL GROW?

  • better plant nutrition,
  • greater protection of plants against pathogens,
  • positive effect on production,
  • improves soil moisture retention.

Where is BCL GROW used?

  • the product is suitable for growing all types of plants.

Product safety

The microorganisms contained in BCL GROW were all isolated from the natural environment. They have not been genetically modified in any way. These microbial strains have been classified as harmless to humans, animals and plants. The product has been verified by the State Institute of Health in Prague.

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