We harness the power of nature to preserve it for future generations
They have existed on our planet since its beginning and so know best what to do. Bacteria are an integral part of life on Earth and we are trying to harness their potential to solve everyday problems for both households and businesses.
Billions of these micro-organisms live in each of our products, ready to do their job and improve the standard of life on our planet for future generations.
We try to use microorganisms in the widest possible spectrum.
We produce a range of bacterial products for the home and garden that will become your helper in solving everyday household problems
We deal with the use of bacteria and enzymes in food processing plants, industrial plants, municipalities and agriculture.
Our development also focuses on renewable energy issues. Here, bacteria play a major role in the processing of organic waste and its reuse.
The initial discovery of important information is the most important for the subsequent setup of the correct solution to the problem. If possible, we prefer to visit the client directly.
We process the information and come up with a suitable solution to the problem.
We will prepare a document in which you will find a clearly elaborated proposal for solving your problem. You will be given the dosage of specific products together with a price estimate for the following months.
You have all the information you need to solve your problem. The final decision is up to you.
In 2009, we founded BIOCLEAN with the aim of using our previous experience in the field to offer people affordable products based on bacteria and enzymes designed to break down organic substances.
In the first phase, the company specialized in products designed to solve everyday household problems (bacteria for septic tanks, sewage treatment plants, waste treatment, and many others). As the company grew, it also expanded its field of activity to other sectors. Since 2015, we have been producing biological cleaning products for healthcare and social services. Today, we are actively involved in issues related to renewable resources (products for biogas plants, sludge management, composting), food, industry, agriculture, and waste management.
We value our partners very much. Our goal is to build long-term, quality business relationships regardless of the complexities of the times. We believe that a business partnership based on mutual respect and support can ultimately bear the desired fruit for all parties.
Would you like to offer Bioclean products in your shop? Do you need to solve a problem or improve your operation? Do not hesitate to contact us.